
Organizing a predictions contest with friends


PronoContest allows you to invite your friends to play with you on the best football and rugby competitions in a private contest. Here's how to organize a predictions contest with your friends and colleagues.

Predict football matchs with friends

Create your user account

Signing up on PronoContest is quick and easy. Just go to the sign up page and fill in the username you chose and your email address. Then confirm that you have read the terms of use of the site. Alternatively, you can also choose to register through your Facebook, Google, Twitter or LinkedIn account, if you have one. In any case, the password to access your user account will be sent by email to the address you indicated. You must provide a valid email address, otherwise you will not be able to log in later.

Once registered, take 2 minutes to complete your profile and manage your notification preferences, for example, to make sure you do not miss a match to predict, then hit the "Save" button.

Set up the contest

Contest set up

From your profile page, click on the "Create" tab at the bottom of the page. Select the competition on which your contest will take place among those proposed and give it a name, then confirm your entry.

The contest has just been created and you are redirected to the settings page. On this page, you can customize the contest according to your preferences, for example, regarding the points scale, by choosing whether to activate team forecasts or not, or to exclude some of the matches from the contest.

Invite your friends to join

The last step is to invite your friends to join the contest. Simple:

  • If they are already registered on PronoContest, just give them the access key that appears in the table under the "Rules" tab on the contest page. In turn, they will have to give this key in the "Search" tab on their profile page to join the contest.
  • If they are not registered yet, copy the registration link in this table to send them. Click the icon to copy the link. Doing so, they will be directly recorded as contest participants when they register on the site.

Good to know, you can also share the contest registration link by other means:

  • via Facebook: from the Actions menu at the top of the contest, click on the entry "Invite via Facebook" to post the link directly on the social network.
  • by mail: from the Actions menu, click on the "Invite by email" entry to directly open an email ready to be sent from your own email software.

Once registered, your friends will appear in the ranking in their order of arrival.

The limit of 20 participants on one contest basically covers your whole group of friends. If this is not the case, you can extend this limit by purchasing an extension for an additional 20 or more users by going to the Quota Management page ("Manage Quota" entry of the Actions menu).

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